Solar Park Zilverbeek

The Netherlands

Currently, we are developing the Zilverbeek Solar Park in the municipality of Brummen. This solar park lies in the Zilvense brook valley in the village of Hall. The project plan was designed to promote biodiversity and to bolster both the local wildlife corridor and a green development zone.


icon renewable energy

Renewable energy

The capacity of Solar Park Zilverbeek is 15.8 MWp. It produces approximately 15,800 MWh per year, which is enough to power almost 6,000 households.

icon sustainable farming

Sustainable farming

The 17-hectare planning zone, owned by two parties with three plots, will be converted from former cornfields into a solar park, benefiting the area’s natural environment, soil quality, and hydrology.

icon biodiversity


This plan promotes biodiversity, strengthens the local wildlife corridor and green development zone, enhances habitats for badgers and other wildlife, improves soil quality, and boosts insect populations.

icon local society

Local community

Along with other measures, an environmental fund has been set up under the participation plan. The local residents will thus be able to benefit from the arrival of the solar park in various ways.

Local community

jeroen schmaal

Contact us

If you are interested and would like to know more, please give me a call or send me an email

Jeroen Schmaal