Thiau solar park


Sunvest is developing the Thiau solar park in Briare, a municipality in the Loiret department. Designed jointly with a local livestock farmer and conducted in cooperation with the local elected representatives, the photovoltaic farm will enable a significant contribution to be made to the energy transition in the local area.


icon renewable energy

Renewable energy

The photovoltaic farm will have a capacity of 20 MWp. It will produce around 21 GWh per year, satisfying the electricity needs of more than 5,000 households.

icon sustainable farming

Sustainable farming

The 27-hectare solar farm, partly fallow for 30 years, will see farming reintroduced as a sheep farmer expands his flock and hires staff. This project exemplifies synergy between sheep farming and green energy.

icon biodiversity


The hedge running through the site and the ponds will be preserved intact, thus avoiding any impact on biodiversity. A setback strip of at least 10 metres will be left around the edges of the woodland and new hedges will be planted to encourage biodiversity havens.

icon local society

Local community

Briare town council officials, regularly consulted, have expressed support. Local residents have been contacted and will soon have the chance to discuss the project at a public meeting.

Benoit Lepecquet

Contact us

If you are interested and would like to know more, please give me a call or send me an email

Benoît Lepecquet
telefoon icon
+336 33 58 72 68