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Some people worry about the danger of radiation from a new solar parks. It is a very understandable concern that can sometimes cause confusion. So what exactly is the situation with (electromagnetic) radiation and solar panels?

Utrecht, October 2023 , Kees Heijmerink, technical specialist Sunvest, fotocredits: Sunvest intern

Radiation of solar panels

Your mobile phone in your pocket, the power lines in the open fields, or solar panels on your roof. They all have an electromagnetic field, which we often refer to as “radiation” for convenience. However, the radiation varies enormously. For instance, the electromagnetic field generated by solar panels themselves is very weak, while X-rays, for instance, can be very dangerous to your health.


In the term “electro-magnetic field” you can very easily recognise the words “electric” and “magnetic”. This means that wherever there is electricity, you will find an electric field. If that electricity flows, there is a (changing) magnetic field. How often such a field changes direction and strength per second determines the frequency of the radiation. This can range from very low to very high and is expressed in Hertz (Hz).


If the frequency is at 0 Hz, you are talking about static fields. A well-known static electric field occurs during thunderstorms; however, the overhead wires of trains can also cause it. Frequencies up to a maximum of 10,000 Hz (10 kilohertz) are called Extremely Low Frequency Fields (ELF). This includes solar panels, as well as the electricity grid in your home. With ELF fields, the magnetic and electric fields are not coupled and the electric field cannot pass through walls or power cables. The low-frequency magnetic field can, however, and its strength is expressed in tesla (μT) or microtesla.

AFTER ELF fields, you come across Radio Frequency (RF) fields, up to a maximum of 300 gigahertz. This includes devices such as microwave ovens, radios and mobile phones. Electromagnetic fields with even higher frequencies are infrared light, visible light, ultraviolet light and the very harmful radiation such as radioactive substances or X-ray equipment.

Bad inverters for solar panels

Clearly, the “radiation” from solar panels is no higher than many appliances that can be found in the home. But is there a difference between a few panels on your roof or a large solar parks nearby? No, because the electromagnetic fields created remain at a very low frequency. This is because that solar panels operate on direct current, and such devices don’t radiate much, if at all. However, you do need inverters to make that low voltage from solar panels suitable for the wall socket. We know from certain types of inverters that some people and animals are sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Incidentally, these are always poor-quality inverters. To completely rule out this problem, Sunvest therefore always uses high-quality inverters (Huawei).

Open to the public

To prevent any inconvenience, the government has established a precautionary principle. This limit is 0.4 micro Tesla (μT). Sunvest broadly adheres to this advisory value when building new solar parks. Furthermore, the company ensures transformer houses are always placed at a safe distance from homes and sensitive destinations.

And because the electromagnetic fields are well below exposure limits, some solar parks are even publicly accessible. At De Kwekerij in Hengelo, for example, you will find plenty of nature alongside the panels, and biodiversity is growing. Sunvest is currently applying the same principle in Zeewolde, where from mid-2021, recreational users can enjoy nature in Het Zonnewoud.

Want to know more about magnetic radiation from a solar park?