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Natural Solar Park Wijkerbroek will soon be completely wrapped in shrubbery hedges

Utrecht, Jeroen Schmaal, April 2024,  Fotocredits: Christine Wever

It may be difficult to imagine considering the current fall weather, but this Natural Solar Park will soon be completely wrapped in shrubbery hedges. That green is located on the south side about 100 meters from the road. This placement is the result of good dialogue with the neighborhood and a land exchange that consequently turned out to be possible. There is also an agricultural plot between the shrubbery of the park and the road.

Ecological corridor

The future thicket hedges connect the solar park with the area’s native nature. The thickets vary between three and six metres and consist of a mix of native plants such as hawthorn, blackthorn and spindle. Apart from removing visibility, they also have a role as an ecological corridor and as a hiding place for birds and small mammals. In addition, berry-bearing plants help birds get through the winter.

Recreational route

If you are curious what a Natural Solar Park looks like, you will soon be able to see so from our recreational route. We have created stopping points with an information board along Broekweg and on the other side along the canal. There will even soon be a footpath running right through the solar park so local residents can take an evening stroll. We plant classic standard fruit trees at the recreation spots where you can pick apples, for example.

Taking account of local residents

We believe it is important to take account of local residents. There are currently several construction activities going on in the area of Wijkerbroek Solar Park, including ours. Together with the autumn rain, this is causing a lot of mud on the roads. To make sure the roads get clean again, we go out with a brush machine. Also, our site manager knocks on doors to introduce himself. If there are any questions or comments afterwards, local residents will also soon be able to find our contact details on a board near the construction site.

Hopefully the weather will clear up a bit in the coming weeks. Until then, despite the autumn weather, we will continue to build Wijkerbroek Natural Solar Park as carefully as possible.

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